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Old South Dental Directory
Additional Services
Crowns, Bridges, Dentures, Root Canal Therapy
Old South Dental offers
these additional cosmetic and restorative options.

Crowns and Bridges
Root Canal Therapy

Contact Us
Nantucket Island

43 Old South Road
Nantucket, MA 02554
Tel (508)228-2699

Cosmetic & Restorative
While traditional dentistry focuses on oral hygiene and oral diseases, cosmetic
dentistry deals with improving an individual's teeth, mouth and smile. Cosmetic dentistry can also provide restorative benefits such as the use of fillings made out of silica instead of metal. With silica (composite) fillings, you are able to maintain the natural appearance of your teeth. You can even have your existing metal or amalgam (silver) fillings replaced with new composite ones.

Do you find yourself hiding your smile?
Do you find yourself hiding your smile from others? Do you often wish you could be more confident if front of others? Imagine having that beautiful smile you always wanted. Even a subtle change in your smile can help you feel good about yourself and project an image of self-confidence.

Crowns and Bridges
Root Canal Therapy
Composite Fillings
White fillings provide a natural appearance
Amalgam (silver) fillings are becoming
obsolete as more patients are choosing tooth-colored or white fillings. The main advantage to this type of filling is their natural appearance as compared to metal which can be unsightly. Composite (white) fillings also allow the dentist to conserve more of your natural tooth in its preparation. Further advantages of white fillings over amalgam is strength, durability and lack of shrinkage. Metal fillings can expand or contract in the mouth which may cause a fracture of the tooth.

We are pleased to be providing this option to our aesthetic minded patients.

Indications for Composite Fillings
Chipped teeth
Closure of space between front teeth
Change of tooth shape
Decayed or worn teeth
Protect tooth with severe gingival recession
Porcelain Veneers
A veneer is a very thin piece of
porcelain that is bonded to the front surface of a tooth to create a more attractive appearance. It is the most cosmetic of all dental procedures. A veneer may be used in some of the same cases as bonded white fillings, but possess advantages over these. Advantages of porcelain veneers over bonded white fillings are increased durability, stain resistance and cosmetic appearance. As is the case for all dental restorations veneers are not permanent and may someday need replacement.

Indications for Porcelain Veneers
Chipped teeth
Closure of space between front teeth
Crooked teeth
Severe staining
Change of tooth size or shape

The procedure involved in veneer placement is more extensive than bonded fillings and will take at least 2 visits to complete. You will be fitted with temporary veneers in between the two visits.

Please call for an exam if you would like to makeover your smile with porcelain veneers!
Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening has become extremely
popular in the last decade. We currently offer two different whitening options.

The first whitening option is custom tray at-home whitening. We will take impressions of your mouth and fabricate custom fitting whitening trays. You will use a whitening gel in the trays nightly for thirty minutes to one hour for 2 weeks.

The second option is an in-office system called Zoom Advanced Power. Zoom has been known to whiten your teeth up to 10 shades in just one hour!

We also carry Professional Strength Crest Whitestrips in our office. These make great gifts for yourself or others!

Please call us for current pricing on our whitening procedures.

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Dental Implants
Dental implants offer a permanent solution
An implant is an artificial tooth root
that is placed into your jaw to hold an artificial tooth.

Today's dental implants are virtually indistinguishable from other teeth and are stronger and more durable than other restorative solutions (bridges and dentures). Regardless of the nature related to tooth loss, dental implants can offer our patients a permanent solution.

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